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Sally Hansen Instant Cuticle Remover

*Ad man voice* ARE YOUR CUTICLES UNSIGHTLY AND DISPLEASING TO YOUR PARTNER? Okay so women are constantly being barraged with messaging about how every square inch of our bodies needs to be corralled or improved or maintained in some way and it does get old BUT honestly I hate having ugly cuticles and this is a super-easy not-expensive way to deal with them.


Your cuticle is that little layer of dead skin above the nail fold and it can get all peely and dry and be all up in your nails’ business. Sally Hansen to the rescue with this amazing gel which softens and dissolves the skin (which sounds HIGHLY DISTURBING but trust me it’s fine, it doesn’t sting or anything). You apply a bit to the area, let it sit for 15 seconds, then push your cuticles back with your own nails or an orange stick and wash it off. It’s SO incredibly satisfying to see the skin just sort of slough off, let me tell you. And now you have fancy well-kept sorta-manicured hands, with practically zero effort!

  • Works super fast
  • One bottle lasts forever
  • Surprisingly noticeable effects


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